Musicians as lifelong learner   

Musicians as lifelong learner

Smilde, R

Paperback. Eburon Uitgeverij 2009.
ISBN 9789059723016

Over de uitgeverij

Today musicians face major changes in their professional life, confronted with questions of how to function flexibly and exploit opportunities in the rapidly changing cultural context. To this end, the concept of lifelong learning is being investigated within this study.
Biographical research into musicians' learning styles and leadership shows that informal learning and related modes of learning, in both formal and non-formal educational settings, can play a prominent role throughout different stages of music learning.

Options for new adaptive learning environments are explored, underpinning recommendations for continuing professional development. Future musicians would then have the opportunity to acquire a reflective and reflexive attitude in their response to cultural change and develop into true 'lifelong learners'.

"Rineke Smilde's research points directly at the critical challenge facing the education and training of musicians today, that of providing relevancy, of recognizing the vastly changed world musicians must now navigate. Now, with this body of knowledge she has given us we can reflect together as professionals and commit ourselves to positive and constructive change."
James Undercofler, President and CEO, The Philadelphia Orchestra; former Dean, Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester

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Musicians as lifelong learner

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Musicians as lifelong learner
Musicians as lifelong learner


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